Actor & Model Headshots and lifestyle portraits
Actors and models require many kinds of photos: Commercial headshots, theatrical headshots, fashion photos, lifestyle photos, digitals/polaroids, tear sheets, etc. An actor's or model's headshot is the single most important tool they have in their business to show their unique facial features and ability to capture the attention of a viewer with their powers of expression. You need a photographer who a) has the technical skills to capture the most flattering angles and contours of your face, b) can inspire and capture the most engaging expressions you are capable of, and c) knows the appropriate level of editing to ensure you absolutely still look like you (it just so happens to look like it's the best day of you life!)
As a former actor and model, I understand the challenges one faces in proving that they have "it"—that special something that makes it obvious that you are the main contender to book that job over everybody else in your category.